0522-3558268, +91 9450643357

SLDA is empanelled as training provider from State Urban Development Authority (SUDA), U.P. to implement National Urban Livelihood Mission project since 2015. Now SLDA has been empanelled during 2017 to 2020 again. The employment through skills training and placement (EST&P) component under NULM is designed to provide skills to the unskilled urban poor as well as to upgrade their existing skills. The program is providing for skill training of the urban poor to enable them setting up self-employment ventures and for salaried jobs in the private sector. The EST&P program intends to fill the gap between the demand and availability of local skills by providing skill training programs as required by the market.
This project is running with the support of State Urban Development Authority U.P (SUDA). Aims of the scheme are employment through skill training and placement to provide skills to the unskilled urban poor as well as to upgrade their existing skills and enable them for setting up and salaries, jobs in the private sectors. SUDA has allotted following trades for skill training.
Banking and Accounting.
Business and Commerce
Garments making.
In addition to the basic skill training on specific skills, the training course modules have the following integrated modules into the course curriculum...
Soft Skills : Basic communication skills (in English and local language), basic computer operations (for courses other than commuter training), professional etiquettes, etc.
Financial Literacy: Orientation and awareness on savings, credit, subsidy, remittance, insurance and pensions
Other Government Schemes: The candidate may also be provided information regarding other government schemes (including other component of NULM) and entitlements for poverty alleviation. SLDA will facilitate access to such schemes and entitlements for the urban poor. During the year 238 beneficiaries have imparted training in different sector and 70 trainees have placed in different Companies and production Units.