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The status of women in the country, particularly those from the disadvantaged sections of the society, is unfavourable. A girl child suffers from discrimination even before birth and also after birth in the allocation of household resources such as food, education, access to health care and at puberty, sometimes coerced into early marriage. Most women in the rural areas suffer from double burden of carrying out less quantifiable work like cooking, fetching water, sending children to school along with agriculture labour, feeding cattle, milking cows, etc., while the men folk perform defined activities like selling milk and grains produced by the household. Women in the minority communities fare badly too. They are not just a minority, but the 'marginalized majority' and are sidelined in decision making in the family, and usually cut off from full involvement in the workings of the community and form an equal share in the rewards from social institutions.
Keeping this in view, the Ministry of Minority Affairs reformulated the scheme "Nai Roshni- The Scheme for Leadership Development of Minority Women".
Above project was sanctioned by Ministry of Minority affairs Govt. of India during the year 2013-14 to the SLDA to implement a center of 5 groups of women related to minority’s community to empower and instill confidence among minority women, including their neighbors from other communities living in the same village/locality, by providing knowledge, tools and techniques for interacting with government systems, banks and other institutions at all levels. Satisfactory implementation of Nai-Roshni project, Ministry has sanctioned this project again to the SLDA and empanelled for three years(2017-2020)
This project have been sanctioned by Ministry of Minority affairs Govt. of India to the association to implement a center of 5 groups of women related to minority's community to empower and instill confidence among minority women, including their neighbors from other communities living in the same village/locality, by providing knowledge, tools and techniques for interacting with government systems, banks and other institutions at all levels. This program has been implemented in Chandan Gaon, Faridi Nagar, Munshi Pulia, Indira Nagar, Lucknow since 7 July 28 July 2018.
6 days Leadership Development training under Nai Roshni Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs Govt. of India was organized in Rubi Montessori School, Chandan Gaon Fareedi Nagar, Indira Nagar, Lucknow, from 7 July 2018 to 12 July 2018 for minority women. Program was inaugurated by Shri Ram Kumar Varma Corporator Municipal Corporation, Lucknow. Before starting 1st session Mr. Q.H. Khan, President & Project Holder of the organization introduced about the organization and Nai Roshni project.
Smt. Naaz Raza Social Worker and President of BAHIN a women Empowerment Organisation presents schemes and programs for the welfare of the minorities implementing by Ministry Of Minority Affairs. In brief she describe about all schemes such as pre and post matric scholarship of minorities, merit-cum-means scholarship for professional and technical courses, free coaching and allied scheme, Maulana Azad education foundation, NMDFC, term loan scheme, micro finance scheme.
In the 2nd session, Jyoti Kashyap Project Coordinator described about the government mechanism such as panchayat, panchayati raj system, village level panchayat, role of administrative officers, benefits provided by the govt. to the women, different schemes for the person living in BPL category, redressal forum etc. 1st day program was closed on 2 P.M. 23 minority women were presented in the program. 2 women were belongs in non muslim category.
Before starting 1st session Q.H. Khan, President of the Project Holder organization, presented sentences of Moral Awareness such as behavior, living style, relation between family, relation between neighbor, sweet talking etc.
Smt. Shabnam Shaikh, Social Worker presented their views about leadership of women which is very important topic of this training. She describe qualities of a leader, capacity to express their views effectively, communication skill, educational qualification, social expertise, technical capacity, capacity to understand problems, role and responsibilities of leader etc.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Smt Naaz Raza Social worker stated about life skills. Sub topics of life skills were problem solving, decision making, sympathy, self awareness creative thinking, and emotional intelligence enter personal relationship, effective communication etc.
On the Other hand Jyoti Kashyap Project Coordinator describes about employment of women and need of vocational training, self employment, wage employment, importance of wage importance. He told about some training institution running by different ministries and providing vocational training.
He also told about National Rural Employment program, National Rural Employment Guaranty Act, occasions of labour employment such as small skill industries, shops, government and semi government organization, privet institutes and Agriculture.
Before starting 1st session Q.H. Khan, President of the Project Holder organization, expressed his views about need of education specially girls education.
Shri. Sujeet Kumar, Advocate High Court, Lucknow, discussed about different issues related to women specially domestic violence, female feticide and sex selective abortions, sexual harassment, dowry, chilled marriage, trafficking law related to crime, what is Public Interest Litigation (PIL), terms and condition to lodge Public Interest Litigation (PIL) etc.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Dayashankar Pandey, Advocate High Court, Lucknow. He describe women related issues in details such as rights of women right to liberty, right against exploitation, right to education, right to personal security, right to vote, reproductive right, right to conserve once language scrip and culture, right to admission to any educational institution without discrimination.
Jyoti Kashyap Project Coordinator, Describe about educational schemes for women specially national literacy mission, Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS), National Institute of open Schooling (NIOS), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). He also stated about employment schemes such as Prime Minister’s Rojgar Yojna (PMRY), Employment Guarantee Schemes, Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarojgar Yojna (SGSY).
Before starting 1st session Q.H. Khan, President of the Project Holder organization, expressed his views about National Integration, Communal Harmony, National Festival etc.
Smt. Shabnam Shekh Social Worker, discussed about home management. This topic was very interested and useful to the participants. She describe mainly savings such as benefits of savings, investment, investing in the Bank, Post office, advantages of keeping records of expenses, weekly and monthly accounts, annual accounts, maturity and rate of interest, tax benefits, withdrawal of money, time management, factors to be included in a time plans. He also describe about sanitation and safe drinking water, how to keep to water save for drinking, home infections, illness caused by contaminated water, home treatment for Cholera, Diarrhoea, Hepatitis, Tyfhoid.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Shri. Sujeet Kumar, Advocate High Court, Lucknow. He describe about public distribution system such as what is Rashan Card, how can get rashan card, fair price shops, Right to Information Act, how can get information, who are public information officer. Jyoti Kashyap Project Coordinator also describe about electricity supply, electricity meters, electricity bills and payments of electricity bills, who are responsible about electricity supply matters, who are responsible for new connection, how can get new connection of electricity.
Before starting 1st session Q.H. Khan, President of the Project Holder organization, expressed his views about Indian Culture,
Brief Indian History, cultural heritage etc.
Dr. Waheed Khan Consultant PHC Pihani Hardoi, discussed about health and hygiene. Specially personal hygiene, good habits, physical activity, types of physical activity, yoga, what is the reproduction cycle, menstrual cycle, hygiene practices during menstruation.
Rakesh Pandey , Project Coordinator describes general problems related to menstruation, HIV AIDS, HIV is transmitted through, HIV is not transmitted through, signs and symptoms of AIDS, prevention of AIDS, first aid, why we need first aid, how to make a first aid kit, what to put in your household kit. Explain the concept of health, Recognise the importance of physical, mental and spiritual health, Appreciate the importance of hygiene, State the necessity of personal, environmental and food hygiene, Bathing your child, Brushing their teeth, Washing hands, Using a sanitizer, Cleaning their private parts, Wearing clean underwear, Tips for when your child has a cold, Putting the toilet cover before flushing, Stopping bad habits.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Dr. Waheed Khan Consultant PHC Pihani Hardoi discussed about common childhood illness and immunization. Specially common childhood illness, signs and symptoms prevention and control, what is immunization, the need of immunization schedule, home remedies. Baby Development, Children's Vaccines, Fit: For Kids, Kids' Dental Care, Parenting, Raising Fit Kids, Teen Health.
Before starting 1st session Q.H. Khan, President of the Project Holder organization, expressed his views about Moral Responsibilities.
Mr. Rakesh Kumar Pandey, Project Coordinator, discussed about waste water sanitation, and solid waste disposal, Generation of waste, Waste minimization, Recycling and reuse, Storage, collection, transport, and transfer, Treatment, Landfill disposal, Environmental considerations, Financial and marketing aspects, Policy and regulations, Education and training, Planning and implementation, Methods of disposal, Landfill, Incineration, Recycling, Sustainability, Biological reprocessing, Energy recovery, Resource recovery, Avoidance and reduction methods, Waste handling and transport, Benefits, Challenges in developing countries, Technologies, Central principles of waste management, Scientific journals.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Dr. Abdul Waheed (M.D), CHC, Pihani, Hardoi. He described about Need of Nutrition such as why is food necessary, functions of food, nutritional deficiencies and prevention, healthy cooking and eating habits, nutrition during pregnancy and lactation. Dr. Fehmina consultant, Care Hospital Lucknow, told about different types of contraceptive method of family planning, effective of the contraceptive methods and other methods of family planning.
6 days Leadership Development training under Nai Roshni Scheme of Ministry of Minority Affairs Govt. of India was organized in Rubi Montessori School, Chandan Gaon Fareedi Nagar, Indira Nagar, Lucknow. Since 7 to 12 July, 2018 for minority women. Program was inaugurated by Shri Anwar Ali Corporator Corporator Municipal Corporation Lucknow Before starting 1st session Rakesh Pandey, Project Coordinator introduced the organization and Nai Roshni project.Mr. Q.H. Khan, President, Project Holder organization introduced the organization and Nai Roshni project.
. Jyoti Kashyap Project Coordinator presented schemes and programs for the welfare of the minorities implementing by Ministry Of Minority Affairs. In brief she describe about all schemes such as pre and post matric scholarship of minorities, merit-cum-means scholarship for professional and technical courses, free coaching and allied scheme, Maulana Azad education foundation, NMDFC, term loan scheme, micro finance scheme.
In the IInd session, Mr. Sujeet Kumar Advocate(High Court) described about the government mechanism such as panchayat, panchayati raj system, village level panchayat, role of administrative officers, benefits provided by the govt. to the women, different schemes for the person living in BPL category, redressal forum etc. 25 minority women were presented in the program. 2 women were belongs in non muslim category.
Before starting 1st session Q.h Khan, President of Organization and Project Holder, presented sentences of Moral Awareness such as behavior, living style, relation between family, relation between neighbor, sweet talking etc.
. Shabnam Shekh Social Worker presented their views about leadership of women which is very important topic of this training. She described qualities of a leader, capacity to express their views effectively, communication skill, educational qualification, social expertise, technical capacity, capacity to understand problems, role and responsibilities of leader etc.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Smt Naaz Raza Social worker stated about life skills. Sub topics of life skills were problem solving, decision making, sympathy, self awareness creative thinking, and emotional intelligence enter personal relationship, effective communication etc.
Jyoti Kashyap Project Coordinator describes about employment of women and need of vocational training, self employment, wage employment, importance of wage importance. He told about some training institution running by different ministries and providing vocational training. She also told about National Rural Employment program, National Rural Employment Guaranty Act, occasions of labour employment such as small skill industries, shops, government and semi government organization, private institutes and Agriculture.
Before starting 1st session Q.H Khan, President of Organization & Project Holder expressed his views about need of education specially girls education.
Shri. Sujeet Kumar Advocate(High Court), discussed about different issues related to women specially domestic violence, female feticide and sex selective abortions, sexual harassment, dowry, chilled marriage, trafficking law related to crime, what is Public Interest Litigation (PIL), terms and condition to lodge Public Interest Litigation (PIL) etc.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Dayashankar Pandey, Advocate High Court. He describe women related issues in details such as rights of women right to liberty, right against exploitation, right to education, right to personal security, right to vote, reproductive right, right to conserve once language scrip and culture, right to admission to any educational institution without discrimination.
Jyoti Kashyap Project Coordinator, Describe about educational schemes for women specially national literacy mission, Jan Shikshan Sansthan (JSS), National Institute of open Schooling (NIOS), Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Integrated Child Development Services (ICDS). He also stated about employment schemes such as Prime Minister’s Rozgar Yojna (PMRY), Employment Guarantee Schemes, Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojna (SGSY).
Before starting 1st session Q.H Khan, President of Organization & Project Holder expressed his views about National Integration, Communal Harmony, National Festival etc.
He also describe about sanitation and safe drinking water, how to keep to water save for drinking, home infections, illness caused by contaminated water, home treatment for Cholera, Diarrhea, Hepatitis, Typhoid.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Shri. Sujeet Kumar Advocate (High Court), Lucknow. He describe about public distribution system such as what is Ration Card, how can get ration card, fair price shops, Right to Information Act, how can get information, who are public information officer.
Jyoti Kashyap Project Coordinator also describe about electricity supply, electricity meters, electricity bills and payments of electricity bills, who are responsible about electricity supply matters, who are responsible for new connection, how can get new connection of electricity.
Before starting 1st session Q.H Khan, President of Organization & Project Holder, expressed his views about Moral Responsibilities.
Smt. Naaz Raza Social Worker, discussed about waste water sanitation, and solid waste disposal, Generation of waste, Waste minimization, Recycling and reuse, Storage, collection, transport, and transfer, Treatment, Landfill disposal, Environmental considerations, Financial and marketing aspects, Policy and regulations, Education and training, Planning and implementation, Methods of disposal, Landfill, Incineration, Recycling, Sustainability, Biological reprocessing, Energy recovery, Resource recovery, Avoidance and reduction methods, Waste handling and transport, Benefits, Challenges in developing countries, Technologies, Central principles of waste management, Scientific journals.
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Rakesh Pandey Coordinator discussed about Need of Nutrition such as why is food necessary, functions of food, nutritional deficiencies and prevention, healthy cooking and eating habits, nutrition during pregnancy and lactation.
He also told about different types of contraceptive method of family planning, effective of the contraceptive methods and other methods of family planning.
Before starting 1st session Q.H Khan, President of Organization & Project Holder expressed his views about Indian Culture, Brief Indian History, cultural heritage etc.
Dr. Wamiq Khan Consultant Care Hospital Lucknow, discussed about health and hygiene. Specially personal hygiene, good habits, physical activity, types of physical activity, yoga, what is the reproduction cycle, menstrual cycle, hygiene practices during menstruation, general problems related to menstruation
After Lunch 2nd session was started by Mrs Faryal Khan Social Worker also stated about HIV AIDS, HIV is transmitted through, HIV is not transmitted through, signs and symptoms of AIDS, prevention of AIDS, first aid, why we need first aid, how to make a first aid kit, what to put in your household kit. Explain the concept of health, Recognise the importance of physical, mental and spiritual health, Appreciate the importance of hygiene, State the necessity of personal, environmental and food hygiene, Bathing your child, Brushing their teeth, Washing hands, Using a sanitizer, Cleaning their private parts, Wearing clean underwear, Tipss for when your child has a cold, Putting the toilet cover before flushing, Stopping bad habits.
Dr. Wamiq Khan Consultant Care Hospital Lucknow , He described about common childhood illness and immunization. Specially common childhood illness, signs and symptoms prevention and control, what is immunization, the need of immunization immunization schedule, home remedies. Baby Development, Children's Vaccines, Fit: For Kids, Kids' Dental Care, Parenting, Raising Fit Kids, Teen Health.